SEND Information Report
What does this look like at Chantry Primary Academy?
Our Mission Statement: At Chantry we are relentless in our pursuit of excellence and our desire that pupils develop a thirst for knowledge of the world around them. We celebrate the diversity and individuality of our pupils, staff and community, meeting everyone’s needs through our values-based ethos and culture.
Chantry Primary Academy believes in achievement, ambition and progress for all children.
We aim to meet the needs of individual children through highly effective teaching and learning.
There is an emphasis on early identification of needs through supportive and preventative strategies which reduce barriers to learning.
We work in a flexible way to develop effective partnerships with children and their parents/carers, the Inclusion Manager and specialist teaching staff, both within the school and through external specialists such as speech and language specialists, paediatricians and child and adolescent health services (CAMHS). This ensures that the school can meet a broad range of special educational needs. The school also has a Visual Impairment Provision and a Behaviour Provision (New Horizons). The intake for both of these provisions is managed externally from Chantry Primary Academy and being on-roll at Chantry does not support access to these provisions.
We undertake a rigorous system of monitoring children’s progress and supporting both academic achievement and personal achievement by removing barriers to learning and using a wide range of strategies to foster a culture of lifelong learning and independent living skills for all children.
1. Identifying any special needs as early as possible is very important. We :
- Listen to parents’ concerns
- Observe and monitor your child’s progress regularly
- Undertake regular assessment of progress for all pupils
- Liaise with other professionals who may be working with your child
- Work closely with feeder schools when children join us to ensure your child has a smooth transition into our school
2. We are able to support children with a wide range of needs including:
- communication and interaction needs
- cognition and learning needs
- social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- sensory and/or physical needs
3. Planning support for a child with SEND will:
- Involve the teacher carefully assessing the child’s learning and development and progress, planning the next steps, putting support in place and then reviewing progress as they are responsible for managing the children’s support
- In some cases involve the Inclusion Manager to support decision making and to help co-ordinate support
- In some cases require support to be added to by requesting outside agency advice
- Involve the parents/carers as their knowledge and views are invaluable.
- Mean all necessary information about your child, including details of any extra support, is passed on to the new teacher and the staff will work in collaboration at transition times. This includes working closely with High Schools as the children prepare to move to KS3.
4. We offer all children access to a broad and balanced curriculum through our book based curriculum. Every lesson is planned carefully to ensure it is relevant and accessible to all children in the class and adaptations and scaffolding are used as needed. However there may be times when your child may require additional or different support for some areas of learning. At Chantry Primary Academy this may be:
- Supported small group or 1:1 work with an adult outside the classroom
- Extra support in class
- Adapted or additional resources in the classroom, including ICT
- Additional or different aids to encourage independence, such as writing slopes or special handwriting pencils
We also offer support for pupils during unstructured times such as playtimes or lunchtimes, this may include:
- Lunchtime groups
- Drop-ins with the Pastoral Team
- Peer Mentors (Well-Being Mentors)
5. Children’s progress is carefully monitored through ongoing observations alongside our school cycle of assessment. Additional monitoring and support for SEND children can come through:
- Termly reviews of short term targets on Individual Education Plans/School Reports
- Annual Reviews for children with Education Health Care Plans
- Meetings with outside professionals
6. Ongoing information about your child’s progress will be communicated to you through termly parent’s evenings and IEPs/reports which will include expected progress for the following term. More informally parents can request a meeting at any time with the class teacher. In addition if your child has SEND there may be:
- Additional meetings to discuss progress against specific and agreed targets
- Annual review meetings for children with EHC plans
- Meetings in school with outside agencies working with your child
- Meetings with the Inclusion Manager or Inclusion Team staff at parents/carers request
- Discussions with children that may involve decision making in an age appropriate way wherever possible
- Family Learning opportunities
- Parenting course opportunities
7. All children are given opportunities to be fully involved in the life of the school. This includes being a member of the School Council or holding other areas of responsibility through the school, participating in school trips and special activities, accessing sports and extra-curricular clubs wherever possible. If any child needs additional support in any of these areas we may:
- Meet with parents/carers to discuss their child’s needs
- Seek advice from colleagues at the Luton Special Educational Needs Advisory Team
- Ask for external professional advice, for example from teams at specialist nurseries, Lady Zia Wernher School or Occupational Therapists
8. Many of our teachers have experience of working with a range of special needs and there is an ongoing programme of training. Lessons are differentiated and pupils are able to access targeted interventions such as literacy skills lessons and adapted learning in class. In addition to the class teams, which are made up of your child’s class teacher and Learning Support Assistants, the Inclusion Team at Chantry Primary Academy consists of:
- The Inclusion Manager – Mrs Bordiak. Her role is to co-ordinate and manage provision for children with SENDs in the school. This includes monitoring the effectiveness of any extra support provided for children with SEN.
- SENCo Assistant – Miss O'Dell who supports the role of the SENCo and offers a variety of 1:1 to support staff, students and parents.
- Specialist Learning Support Assistant – Mrs McCulloch - This role includes providing interventions for children and working with the wider school team as well as parents to support these children.
- SEND Learning Support Assistant – Mrs Gendi who works 1:1 and in small groups with children.
- Therapeutic music instructor - Mr Bateman works with children who are able to use music to remove barriers to learning.
9. All pupils at Chantry can access a range of support in school. If your child has a SEND they may access support through any of the following:
- Pastoral Team to provide mentoring
- Occupational Therapy work facilitated by staff
- Speech and Language programmes of work delivered by a Learning Support Assistant
- Specialist support from Behaviour and Visual Impairment Learning Support Assistants if they are part of that provision.
- Supported small group or 1:1 work
Many staff at Chantry have specialist qualifications, these include:
- SENCO Award
- Specialist Leaders in Education for Behaviour
- Braillists
- Qualified Teacher of Visual Impairment
10. The school has worked very hard to ensure the environment is as accessible as possible. The school has:
- Ramps to downstairs classrooms so they are accessible from the playground
- Disabled toilet facilities
- Fully accessible playgrounds
- Downstairs classes available for each year group as needed
- A Soundfield audio system in every classroom
- Access to interpreters as needed
- Newsletters that can be translated into a parent’s home language
11. The school works closely with a wide range of external agencies and professionals and is able to signpost parents to relevant support groups. There may be times when a child is being supported by a range of services and the school will facilitate joint meetings for parents and professionals to enable the support to be co-ordinated in the most effective way. Such services may include:
- Education Psychologists
- Speech and Language Team
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder Team
- Special Educational Needs Support Teams
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Edwin Lobo Centre
- Luton Special Educational Needs Advisory Team
Please see the Luton Local Offer for more details of available services by following the link below
12. Parents can contact the following people or find further information about the school from:
- Class teachers
- Inclusion Manager
- Pastoral Team
- School Office
- School Website
- Luton Borough Council Website
If a parent or carer has a complaint about the support their child receives, they should speak to their child’s class teacher. If needed this could be escalated to the Inclusion Manager and/or Headteacher.
Coralie Bordiak, Inclusion Manager
December 2024