
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 2 cafe enterprise project

Wednesday 28th February 2018

After months of preparation and hard work, our Year Two pupils spent the afternoon running their own cafe for their parents! As part of their work with the 'Enabling Enterprise' company, the children had previously researched all about cafes, visited a cafe to see how it runs and decided what they wanted to sell in their own cafes (and decided on names for their cafes too of course!). 

Today, the hall was jam-packed full of customers, all eager to spend their pennies and support the pupils in their exciting venture! There were cakes, biscuits and squash all for sale which were snapped up by mums and dads. We had children greeting customers on the door, children acting as waiters/waitresses, children serving food and of course, children receiving money and handing out change- it was all very professional!

Once the afternoon had concluded and the parents had left, the children helped to count their profits and were bowled over to see they'd made nearly £130...wow!

A great job by our pupils and staff and definitely a worthwhile opportunity for the children to see how an enterprise venture works!