
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 2 Fantastic Finish - Enterprise Project

Wednesday 12th February 2020

It was an extremely productive day at the Year 2 Enterprise Café as year 2 pupils worked incredibly hard to set up and run their own café. Over a course of six weeks, pupils learnt to develop their interpersonal skills including listening, teamwork, leadership, problem solving and creativity.

During the day, year 2 collaborated to make Rice Krispy cakes, biscuits with icing and delicious fruit kebabs. We took our roles seriously and worked diligently to create the best products to sell.

Over the course of six weeks, we developed a theme and name for our café, which was based on Roald Dahl, whose work we have been studying. We created menus, calculated costs and profits, delegated roles, produced products to sell and ran the café serving parents, guardians and other members of staff. It was very satisfying watching customers as they came into the café, to be directed and greeted by our greeters, menus were set out at the tables, waiters took orders, the food preparation staff ensured that orders were fulfilled and our cashiers calculated costs dealing with money. It was a busy but productive afternoon where pupils got to show off the skills that they had developed.

Pupils also performed a song that they have been learning which included sign language. Customers were very happy alongside year 2 who managed to make a profit of over £100. What a successful afternoon it was!