
Our Value for this Half-Term is UNITY

Read more about our
Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Wellbeing Curriculum (PSHE)

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PSHCE Progression

A healthy outside starts from the inside.

Robert Urich 

Curriculum Design

PSHCE and Relationships Education

 At Chantry PSHCE and Relationships Education is referred to as ‘Personal Wellbeing.’ Our Personal Wellbeing curriculum aims to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to become healthy, independent, active and responsible members of society. We believe that ‘Relationships Education’ is a lifelong process where children and young people learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up.  

At Chantry Primary Academy, Relationships Education is delivered through the PSHCE and Science Curriculum, linking where appropriate to our book-based curriculum. We believe that all children should have access to the learning covered within this area of the curriculum and that they should have this information and skills taught to them, before they start to experience significant changes. 

Intent- PSHCE - what do we teach?

  • Pupils to develop knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society 
  • We want our children to have high aspirations and a belief in themselves and their abilities 
  • To make pupils aware, to an appropriate level, of different factors which will affect their world and that they learn how to deal with these so that they have good mental health and well-being 
  • To develop pupils’ knowledge and skills which will enable them to access the wider curriculum and prepare them to be a global citizen now and in their future roles within a global community 
  • To promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life 

  Intent- Relationships Education  - what do we teach it?

  • Provide pupils with accurate and relevant information about the physical and emotional changes that they will experience throughout their formative years and into adulthood  
  • Develop an understanding about the way human beings reproduce  
  • Establish an awareness of the importance of stable family life and relationships, including the responsibilities of parenthood and marriage  
  • Provide opportunities for young people to consider and reflect upon the range of attitudes to gender, relationships and family life  
  • Raise awareness of inappropriate relationships (sexual abuse, grooming and so on) and what pupils should do if they are worried about any sexual matters 

Implementation- PSHCE - how do we teach it?

  • PSHCE based lessons which are planned for each half term using the agreed flow map planning format  
  • Values based lessons leading to a monthly Values display within each classroom  
  • Cross curricular links including planned visits and trips  
  • Circle time  
  • School Council meetings 
  • Anti-bullying Action Team Events  
  • Outside agencies: RSPCA, Police and Advisors  
  • Extra-curricular activities – including working with different charities and supporting the local community 
  • Collective worship/class assemblies  
  • Regular Values based assemblies  
  • Implementation of related policies  
  • Codes of Conduct/School rules  
  • Planned Focus Weeks – such as Walk to School Week and Anti-bullying Week.  
  • Pastoral support  
  • Reward systems (stickers, house points)  
  • Certificates for achievement  
  • Classroom responsibilities/jobs  
  • Charity events  
  • Mentoring  
  • Adults acting as role models  
  • Drama performances and workshops (where possible and appropriate)  
  • Residential visits where there is a particular focus on developing pupils’ self-esteem and giving them opportunities to develop leadership, teamwork and co-operative skills 

 Implementation- Relationships Education  - how do we teach it?

  •  A Relationships Education programme which is tailored to the age, physical and emotional maturity of the children within our care as recommended by the Department for Education 
  • School co-operation with agencies such as the Local Health Authority and other health professionals to deliver its commitment to Relationships Education 
  • Personal beliefs and attitudes of teachers will not influence the teaching of Relationships Education Relationships Education is provided in a way that ensures pupils are taught about the nature of a stable relationship and its importance for family life and for bringing up children 
  • Ensure that pupils are protected from teaching materials which are inappropriate; taking account of the children’s age and social background 

 Impact- PSHCE - what impact is our teaching having?

  •  Pupils to have a sense of belonging 
  • Feel confident and good about themselves 
  • Feel informed and able to make decisions 
  • Have developed independence and a sense of responsibility 
  • Understand that others have feelings and needs 
  • Know how to listen to others and respect their opinion 
  • Respect the differences between people 
  • Be able to relate to others and to work and play effectively with each other 
  • Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle 
  • Know how to keep themselves and others safe – both in person and online 
  • Be positive and active members of a democratic society 

Impact- Relationships Education  - what impact is our teaching having?

  • Pupils will be able to ask questions however sensitive  
  • Develop ideas of non - stereotyped gender roles   
  • Develop strategies to counter media and other pressures to conform to stereotyping  
  • Develop personal behaviour conducive to maintaining friendships and relationships  
  • Know when and how to get help from adults  
  • Understand how they can communicate feelings and concerns and how to show care and responsibility 
  • Feel comfortable about body functions 
  • Respect families and family relationships  

Wellbeing Curriculum (PSHE)

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