Remembrance Day
Friday 10th November 2017
It was a very poignant morning today when the whole school took part in an outdoor remembrance assembly, taking the time to remember those who have lost their lives in conflicts over the years.
The week preceding the assembly, every class in the school had taken the time to create their own poppies and learn about the significance of them and why we have Remembrance Day each year. Then today, before the assembly took place, each class came out and 'planted' their poppies on the field, creating a wonderful eye-catching tribute to those who have fallen in conflicts.
Once the poppies were in place, Mr Rowe led a touching outdoor assembly, where the children sang a song and the staff recited a poem. We then held a 2 minute silence which was observed impeccably right from our Nursery children all the way through to Year Six. Thank you to everyone who took part and made the morning so special.