
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Reception Fantastic Finish - Woodside Animal Farm

Wednesday 25th May 2022

On 25th May 2022, Reception took their first trip and had their fantastic finish at Woodside Animal farm! Our topic this half term was ‘Amazing Animals’, which we have been learning lots about.

We had a hands on experience where we could hold and touch some animals like chicks, guinea pigs and rabbits. We were also able to feed some animals like the alpacas and goats and thoroughly enjoyed going around the farm on a tractor ride. There was also time to sneak in some time to visit the funfair and indoor soft play area.

The children loved their time at the farm and are looking forward to reminiscing their experiences by writing about what they did, saw and how they felt later on in the week.

Reception Fantastic Finish - Woodside Animal Farm