
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Indoor Surfing Visit

Wednesday 18th January 2017

WOW! What a fantastic time some of our pupils had today when the visited the Flow House indoor surfing centre in Bedford!

This unique experience involved the children donning their wetsuits, grabbing a bodyboard and riding the gushing waves created by the enormous wave machine! It only took a few minutes for the children to practise before they were jumping on the waves like pros!


It wasn't a problem if the children 'wiped-out' as the whole area was sprung like a trampoline, so if they fell off their boards, they had a nice soft landing (before being washed away to the back of the surfing zone!). Everyone had lots of turns, and on each occasion, the experienced instructor was on hand to try and teach the children new tricks, such as riding on their knees, throwing their board away and catching it and even a 'crocodile' roll, where they had to roll over several times whilst gripping hold of their boards!


At the end of the session, the children were disappointed to have to go (the time flew by!) but needless to say, they had a truly terrific time!