
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 4 Hampton Court visit

Thursday 8th June 2017

Year 4 had a very exciting day today when they visited Hampton Court Palace. The opportunity was all part of their history topic 'Beware the King', which focuses on Henry VIII and the House of Tudor. The children had the chance to experience where Henry VIII lived and how the Palace was run years ago. 
They were transported back in time to the heyday of royal feasting and entertainment with a tour of the royal kitchens, learning how to start the fires used to cook the hundreds of extravagant meals fit for Henry VIII. 

They had the opportunity to walk through the beautiful gardens and explore the palaces private rooms with magnificent vaulted ceilings and elaborate décor. 
The children attended sessions with costumed presenters using artefacts, documents and replica objects to help them understand and question how the past has been constructed from a range of sources. 
The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience taking part in presenting their findings and they took every opportunity to ask enquiring questions to the presenters. It was a fantastic day and all pupils represented us marvellously. Definitely, an unforgettable experience had by all!