
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Mud Kids

Sunday 20th May 2018

It was a MESSY kinda' day today when we took part in our first ever Mud Kids event!

We didn't have far to travel as we only headed to Milton Keynes and our merry band of participants, ranging from Reception to Year 6, had a TERRIFIC time! 

The course was a 3km obstacle event which, as the name suggests, was covered in mud (and water!). Although it was a hot day, this didn't deter the children, who took the hay bales, spiders webs, hurdles, mud ditch, inflatable slide and everything else in their stride.  And they did so with massive grins on their faces all the way round. 

The highlight for everyone was the end of the course, which involved a giant muddy pool- you can probably guess the children loved diving in it, rolling in it, splashing in it and on the whole, trying to cover as many people as they could in the muddy water (although it probably cooled everyone down somewhat!).

It was a really memorable day and one which the children and adults thoroughly enjoyed.