
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Christmas Eve- special deliveries

Thursday 24th December 2020

We were bowled over by the generosity we experienced today from a range of organisations who made the Christmas Eves of over 75 families in the Pioneer Learning Trust very memorable indeed! Luton Foodbank, Level Trust and Luton Town FC combined to provide cooked meals, presents, treats, crackers and snacks to a whole plethora of families! 

Mr Kelly headed down at lunchtime to collect the goodies and managed to fill the minibus up from top to bottom- wow! Back at Chantry, the Pioneer elves were out in force to help sort the items out, before then lovingly giving up their time to deliver the items around Luton, Dunstable and Houghton Regis. Parents & children who received the bits and pieces were so very grateful, it was lovely to bear witness to. 

Enormous thanks to all the organisations and charities that so kindly donated all the items to our schools and also, huge gratitude to the staff across the Pioneer schools who gave up part of their Christmas Eve to help deliver - you're all stars!