
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Children's Peace Party

Saturday 14th September 2019

What an amazing day we had today taking part in the first ever Children's Peace Party! A group of hugely responsible Year 6 pupils had spent months preparing for the event, whose aim was to bring together the children of Luton together in unity, sharing the message of peace and having fun.

Twenty-four pupils spent the day, working in 'shifts', running the printing station and the games station, working with over 2000 members of the public...wow! The printing station involved the children showing others how to print messages of hope & peace onto canvas bags, whilst the games station allowed the children to play board games (which they had designed themselves), all of which had a focus on core values.

It was a joy to watch our children take on such a huge responsibility and do so amazingly well. They showed real patience, resilience and respect, managing to work with people of all ages, adapting their approach to suit who they were dealing with- their flexibility was terrific (and all the time with enormous smiles on their faces!).

It was a long day, but the children's positive approach from start to finish was wonderful to witness- we received a plethora of praise from so many different people that it completely warmed our hearts and just reinforced that we have such wonderful children, who do brilliantly at sharing our values in the wider community. Awesome work everyone!