Chantry Nursery Provision
Funded 30 Hour Child care places available
Many working parents of 3 to 4-year-olds in England are eligible for 30 hours of free childcare - rather than the standard 15 hours.
This is 30 hours free for 38 weeks per year, equivalent to school term times. At Chantry, you will be able to spread the free childcare out over up to 44 weeks using our school holiday clubs, but this will mean you'll get fewer than 30 hours free childcare each week.
Please click on the links below for further information and to check your eligibility. Please be aware that there are deadlines for applying for the 30 hour funding so in order to be eligible for this and for the funding to start as soon as your child starts nursery you do need to apply during the term before your child is due to start in nursery. As soon as you have your eligibility code, please take it to the school office and we will make arrangements for you to discuss your childcare requirements with our Admissions Officer.
Our preference is that your child spends 15 hours per week in nursery over 5 days (5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions) and that the remaining 15 hours are spent flexibly within the nursery provision or in Care Club to suit your needs. However we do recognise that 5 days in nursery does not suit all parents so we are able to look at each application for flexible hours on an individual basis and will try to accommodate your requests wherever possible.
To find out more about Tax-Free Childcare and 30 hours free childcare for parents, click here.
Please click here to check that you are eligible.
Please click here for full details.
Chantry Nursery is part of Chantry Primary Academy and it provides 104 part-time places for children. The Nursery is an exciting place to be and children will take part in a wide range of activities every day.
The morning session is 8:30am to 11:30am Monday to Friday
Afternoon sessions are from 12:30pm – 3:30pm Monday to Friday
If parents require flexible hours for their child we may be able to accommodate this, please discuss this with the Admissions Officer when you apply or during the home visit.
Admission Policy
Children are offered places at nursery once they have had their third birthday. We may be able to offer places to children earlier than this by offering a place at the beginning of the term in which they have their third birthday. These early offers are entirely dependent on available places.
Chantry has special provision for children with visual impairment. There is a team of staff trained to support visually impaired children. Places are offered to children who are visually impaired and meet our VI Provision admissions criteria.
We take a flexible approach to settling children into the nursery. Some children need parents to accompany them for a few days or even longer whereas others are happy to part at the door from their first day. We will work with you and your child to make this important transition stage as smooth as possible.
Home Visits
It is nursery policy to visit each child in their home before they start nursery. The reasons for this are as follows:
1. We have found that your child’s first contact with us is easier if they are in their own environment;
2. It allows for time to talk without the normal distractions of nursery;
3. It allows staff time to play with your child to begin building a relationship;
4. It ensures that your child will know a familiar face when they arrive.
Of course, if parents prefer to visit nursery with their child, rather than staff visit their home, that is quite acceptable. When you receive a phone call to arrange a home visit you simply let staff know your preference.
Collecting Children
It is essential that children are collected on time. It can be very distressing to be the only child left when everyone else has gone home. You will be asked to provide a password for when someone different to usual is collecting your child. It is vital that parents inform staff if anyone else will be collecting a child and that you give that named person your password. Staff will not allow children to leave with anyone unless you have given them your password. Children must be brought and collected by a responsible adult.
Safety and Security
We believe safety and security are important issues. Please make sure that doors and gates are securely fastened behind you as you leave. Your child will be carefully supervised in nursery. Official visitors wear identification badges issued by office staff. Staff will challenge unknown adults and request identification. For the safety of the children, especially during physical activities, it is requested that jewellery is not worn to nursery. If earrings must be worn please ensure they are plain studs.
If your child is ill whilst at nursery, we will make every effort to contact, you but we must have the name and telephone number of emergency contacts in case you are unavailable. All of this information is requested on your registration form. Please inform us immediately of any changes to your contact details or your nominated emergency contacts. If your child is very ill, please do not bring him/her into nursery, as infections spread very quickly amongst young children. Please phone the school office to inform them if your child won't be at nursery for any reason. Children recover quickly from most coughs and colds but please keep your child at home for 24 hours if they have suffered vomiting or diarrhoea.
Please try to arrange medical appointments outside of your child’s allocated nursery session times. If a child must attend an appointment please show evidence of their appointment to the school office and let them know that they will not be attending.
Your child will be respected as an individual and treated with care and understanding. Staff will discuss appropriate behaviour with the children and will agree certain rules. The nursery uses the ‘Class Dojo’ reward and sanction system like the rest of the school. If your child continually disobeys the rules then we will give them a time out from their activity to reflect on our values and expectations. Staff will always talk to the child about what they need to do in future to show our school values. In the case of consistent unacceptable behaviour, parents will be informed and strategies will be discussed and agreed.
We prefer all of our nursery children to wear school uniform. School sweatshirts and polo shirts with the school logo are available, there is a link to purchase these online on the school website. Please ask a member of staff if you would like to look at samples and try them on your child for size. Whilst in nursery, children may wear grey jogging bottoms rather than formal school trousers if preferred and where skirts are worn then elasticated waists are easier. As in the main school, grey pinafore dresses are permitted and, in the summer months, red and white gingham checked summer dresses may be worn. We request that the children wear black velcro fastening shoes and plain grey, black or white socks (or grey tights in winter). We do ensure that children wear aprons for painting or water activities, but three year-olds can always find the gap! The paint we use will wash out in COLD water and soap. Outdoor play is an important part of the early years curriculum whatever the weather. It is, therefore, very important that your child has a coat to wear.
During the session, the children have a drink of milk or water and a piece of fruit. Please inform staff if your child has any kind of food allergy.
Voluntary Contributions
We do appreciate voluntary contributions which help us to provide those ‘little extras’ like ingredients for baking etc. We suggest £1 a week but are grateful for any contributions placed in our money box at any time during the week.
Our nursery is well staffed, well equipped and the accommodation is good. Our indoor and outdoor facilities are always improving but we are always seeking to purchase new resources. During the year we organise fundraising events to help. All the money collected is used to buy extra equipment for the children. As a result of the generosity of parents, we have been able to buy various resources over the years to enhance our provision.
Shared Reading
On Tuesdays, we like parents to stay for a while to help their child select the book they want to take home. The book must be taken home in a book bag which is available from the office. This is also an opportunity for parents to read stories to their child. It really is important that you stay for this session if at all possible.
What will be taught in nursery?
We will work towards the Early Learning Goals using the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. These goals cover seven areas of learning and are intended to provide a foundation for later learning in the National Curriculum. Early Learning Goals are divided into the seven areas:
communication and language
physical development
personal, social and emotional development
understanding the world
expressive arts and design
Learning Activities
In order to meet these Early Learning Goals by the time your child reaches Reception age, he/she will have the opportunity to: use the computer, enjoy cooking, explore the outside environment, create pictures and models using a variety of materials, develop imaginative play, participate in musical activities, investigate through scientific activities, develop reading and writing skills, solve mathematical problems and learn to share and care for each other.
Staff prepare book webs which are sent home to parents and they also prepare teaching plans and parents are most welcome to look at these so that they are aware of what is being taught each week. Staff do try to update the Class Dojo story regularly with information to help parents understand what is being taught at nursery that week and will use Class Dojo as an individual communication tool with parents as well.
Every child is allocated to a particular care group and the member of staff responsible for the group helps to keep a record of the children’s progress. Staff also carry out assessments of children’s learning, which help to make sure activities are planned to encourage progress. Please ask staff if you require any further information about planning, record keeping and assessment.
Communication and Open Evenings
We use a system called Insight to keep a record of your child’s progress. As well as thinking about the children’s progress in the 7 areas of learning it is also important that we think about how the children are learning and whether they are showing the characteristics of effective learning. We also use the class dojo system to communicate with parents as well as talking to parents at drop off and collection times.
We will also provide a short written settling in or progress report each term and we have an open evening in the autumn and spring term when you are invited in to discuss your child’s progress with a member of staff. A detailed written report is given at the end of the summer term before your child transfers to Reception and you are invited in to discuss this report further should you wish to.
We try to keep parents well informed. Please read the letters sent home on Parentmail and make a note of important events. You will receive a school newsletter each week, which gives important dates and information. However, if you have any queries do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
If your child has a particular learning difficulty or behaviour problem, staff will discuss the matter with you and may choose to involve our school inclusion manager, if further advice and help is needed. All staff have received additional training regarding special needs and have established good working relationships with support agencies in order to meet the needs of the children in their care.
Please make us aware of the outcomes of your child’s 2 year development check and any medical problems your child may have such as asthma, hearing loss, poor vision or anything else which may affect his/her progress. The governing body of Chantry is committed to promoting equal opportunities and copies of their admission policy and complaints procedures are available from the school office should you ever need to refer to them.
At Chantry we like to work in partnership with parents.
We welcome parents as helpers in nursery. If you are able to offer help please speak to a member of staff. Obviously it is advisable to wait until your child is settled. Even if you can only offer an hour a week or occasional help we would be most grateful.
Some parents prefer to help prepare materials or drinks. Others like to play board games or get involved in other planned activities. We also appreciate help at parties and on certain 'wow' factor trips.